
Vast Grimm Horde: No Safe Haven

Created by Creature Curation

New sci-fi splatterpunk 3rd party adventures and expanded rules from the creators of Vast Grimm // Inspired and infected by Mörk Borg

Latest Updates from Our Project:

d6 What's Your Würm Pencils
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 09:12:29 AM

Need to roll your würm infection? Look no further than the lead-stick gripped in your sweaty beefy mitts. Each side has a different würm your meatbags can get infected by. And the hexagonal design makes it perfect for rolling!

These pencil packs (5 per set) are available now as an add-on! 

Thank you for being a part of this!
–– Brian

Original Art Available // Alchemy VTT // New Friends
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 07:09:06 AM

Hello Legionnaires! 

We have less than two weeks left, and it's time to build some momentum! Be sure to share this project to help strengthen OUR LEGION! 

Here's what's in this update:

  • Original Art Pledge Levels Added
  • Custom Character/Creature Art Add-on
  • Alchemy VTT Announcement
  • Grimm Friends

3 New, One Off Pledge Levels

That's right Legionnaires, I have added three new pledge levels with original sculptures I created for the game!!! Like I said, these are one-of-a-kind so don't sleep on this.

Available from left to right:
Yerdamen (from my monthly Patreon release, will debut in the future)
Grimm head (seen on the cover and interior of A Grimm Outlook)
Stroquito Vanquisher (from my monthly Patreon release, will debut in the future)

If you want to make one of these sculptures yours, go to the pledge page and change your pledge to the sculpture. All of the other pledge levels can be added to your pledge as an add-on. So if you wanted the Grimm and you had pledged for 3 books, you would change your pledge to Original Sculpt – The Grimm and then select 3 Books in the add-ons.

Custom Character/Creature Art Add-on

To help push us to the next stretch goal, I have added an add-on where I will create character art or creature art for one of your ideas!

You will get the full body image, one with a background, and the token art. There's even a chance I may use it in an upcoming publication! You know you want this! All you have to do is go to add-ons and bump up that pledge!

Alchemy Now Included!

If you've had your eyes glued to this campaign, you may have noticed that I quietly added Alchemy to the pledge levels late last week.

I've been using Alchemy for my recent online games and have been thoroughly enjoying how immersive it is! Now the new books will be included with your pledge for either the physical or digital versions of the new expansion books!

Grimm Friends

As I mentioned in the previous updates, one of my favorite things about this hobby/community is the friends you make sitting around playing make-believe and creating your own shared myths. A bunch of my friends are creating incredible things to fuel your adventures and I want to make sure you know they have them going on!

The folks over at MAD BORG just launched this crazy concept on creating a variety of threats to put into your game. Since it is compatible with all those BORGs, I'm sure there would be plenty of creatures to throw into your Vast Grimm games. Check it out here.

I met Dillon of Critical Crafting back in 2019 at Origins Game Fair, where they interviewed me about my Revilo setting. Fast forward to now, and Critical Crafting just launched their own project on Kickstarter. Check it out here.
You've made it to the end of the update!

Let me know what you think of the add-on and original sculpt in the comments below.

And be sure to join your fellow LEGIONNAIRES in the discord

Thank you for being a part of this!
–– Brian

New Collab // New Poll // New Friends
4 months ago – Tue, Jun 04, 2024 at 10:23:46 AM

Hello Legionnaires! 

Thank you so much for being a part of this first week! Now that we are in the middle of the campaign things tend to slow down a bit. Anything you can do to help share the project with friends will get us closer to unlocking more stretch goals and strengthen OUR LEGION. 

Here's what's in this update:

  • New Collab with Mazes
  • Monster vs Playable Alien Species
  • ICYMI: Chat with Guest Writer
  • Grimm Friends

New Collab with Mazes!

My friends over at 9th Level games just launched their latest campaign for Mazes today!!! I backed their original crowdfunding project, so I'm excited to do a collab with them!

When you back both of our projects, you will receive two, interlocking patches that form a double-hex! Think of it as two pieces of  POWERSWORD... but I turned my half into a starship!

Check out their campaign here. Backerkit will let us know who backed both to get the POWER PATCH

New Poll

I posted up a new poll. Would you rather have more monsters or alien playable species? Vote Here.

ICYMI: Chat with Guest Writer Kelly McLaughlin

I had a great time chatting with my friend Kelly yesterday. If you missed it, you can watch the video here. We're getting closer to unlocking his guest adventure!

Grimm Friends

As I mentioned in a previous update, one of my favorite things about this hobby/community is the friends you make sitting around playing make-believe and creating your own shared myths. A bunch of my friends are creating incredible things to fuel your adventures and I want to make sure you know they have them going on!

The folks over at Rowan, Rook, and Decard sure do make some incredible games! Each time I see their projects, I know everything about them is going to be of the highest quality. Hollows and it's slaying of personal demons looks no different. Check it out here.

I met Tom at PAX Unplugged last year and loved how incredible his battlemap books looked. Into the Wilds is a collection of 9 fully customizable, biome and region-themed physical battlemap books. They are ideal for pre-set or random encounters, so you can be fully prepared no matter which direction your players choose to head in. Check them out here.

Today my friend Tommy launched a hack of Mörk Borg that is even more brutal than the yellow book we've all grown to know and love. Check it out and help him make this project a reality!

You've made it to the end of the update. Let me know in the comments what you think of the stretch goals.

And be sure to join your fellow LEGIONNAIRES in the discord

Thank you for being a part of this!
–– Brian

Livestream and Chat tomorrow at 2pm EDT
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 02, 2024 at 02:27:01 PM

Hello Legionnaires!

I interrupt your regularly scheduled Sunday to announce a live stream event for tomorrow, MONDAY, at 2PM EDT.

Kelly McLaughlin of the Dungeon Dudes will be joining me to chat about his upcoming guest adventure and more.

Knowing we will be live at an odd time of day if you have any questions you'd like me to ask while on camera, please put them here in the comments.

The stream will be live here on Backerkit, YouTube, and Facebook.

Help spread the word and let's get this stretch goal unlocked!!!

Thank you! 

24 Hours In // New Stretch Goals // Your Input Needed
4 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 09:13:48 AM

Well, that first 24 hours sure was incredible!!!

Thank you all so much for pledging early to get my latest books funded! 

Before I dive into it, here is what's in this update:

  • Overview of unlocked stretch goals
  • Announcement of NEW stretch goals
  • d66 Table needs your ideas
  • Grimm Friends

What's Been Unlocked So Far

In the first full day, you managed to unlock 3 stretch goals and are on the way to a fourth.
  • Free Digital Assets for all the books
  • Printed End Sheets
  • A guest adventure written by DMDave! Dave and I became friends over the past year or so at conventions (time and space are a difficult concept for me). Dave, and an amazing crew, played in a late-night Vast Grimm session I ran last Game Hole Con at our hotel and it was a blast.

    Professionally I was immediately amazed by his prolific writing and the direction he was taking in his new work. You probably backed MekBorg/Steel Psalm that recently crowdfunding. If not, I'm sure I will share the link when he opens up the late pledges.

Incoming Stretch Goals

I have a ton of stretch goals up my sleeve, but I don't want to reveal too much too soon. 
  • At 35k I will create an online character generator that includes all the new classes from this campaign.
  • At 45k you'll unlock a guest adventure written by Kelly McLaughlin of the Dungeon Dudes! Kelly and I have known each other for years in passing at conventions, but we got to hang out a good bit more at that same Game Hole Con mentioned above. Kelly was one of the other players in that late-night Vast Grimm game I ran.

    If you haven't checked out the Dungeon Dudes before, they showcase gaming tips, reviews, actual plays, and have created incredible projects based on their games for 5e. With the Monsters of Drakkenheim crowdfunding recently wrapping up, I'm excited to read Kelly's adventure!

d66 Steal from the Dead Table

Now that we've unlocked the End Sheets in all of the books, I have room in A Grimm Outlook to put a d66 table of items you might find on a dead person in the 'verse. Ross and I have written a bunch of these tables already, so now I want your help.

Join the discussion by adding something you'd want included on the table. If yours is included on the list, your name will be credited in the book for your entry! Be sure to keep it bizarre, funny, and weird.

Grimm Friends

One of my favorite things about this hobby/community is the friends you make sitting around playing make-believe and creating your own shared myths. You could probably tell that from the guest adventure stretch goals :)

Speaking of friends, I have quite a few who have projects going on RIGHT NOW! Each update I will be sharing some of them with you. Take a few minutes and check out their projects. If they're up your alley, give it a pledge. If they aren't and you know someone who would enjoy it, please share it with them.

I met Justin (Severed Books, Severed Toys) at an axe-throwing event during one of the conventions. We hit it off right away, and I could tell we would be friends almost immediately. Justin does it all, from writing, to art, to product design. And for his latest project, he partnered with the creators of Mörk Borg to make a bad a$$ action figure. There are only 12 days left on this campaign, go get all the toys now!

John Baltisberger is someone I feel like I have known forever... even though it has probably only been a couple of years. We've gotten to play a few games together online and had great side conversations. As a horror writer, he has been able to describe würm infestation and body horror in ways I never would have been able to visualize in my head without his gruesome words. His latest project which explores deranged nature wizards fight against magic-powered corporations just launched. Go check it out here.

You've made it to the end of the update. Let me know in the comments what you think of the stretch goals.

And be sure to join your fellow LEGIONNAIRES in the discord

Thank you for being a part of this!
–– Brian